Bye bye season 2015!
5th of December I had my annual “end of season dinner” at my cooperation partner’s restaurant, Pontus! in Stockholm. We started off the evening at Audi Forum (Showroom for Audi in Stockholm) with a presentation about my year and my goals for next year. I had also organized a kind of question game, with 13 questions about, me ;-) But it was absolutely not new questions or just racing, it was a mix of everything! Only person having it all right from the beginning was Jenny! After Audi Forum we headed to Pontus! for a 3-course dinner, yet again amazing like every year! Sunday the 6th I went with Max to London, where he was nominated for “Rookie of the Year” at Auto Motorsport’s Awards. And he won it!!
The following day I got my birthday gift from Max, and that was a trip to NY. I’ve always, and I mean always dreamed about visiting NY, but I’ve just never taken myself the time to do. But now we did! It was a great holiday, we experienced a lot and I can say that NY really lived up to all my expectations. Directly from NY I flew to Munich, for two important meetings regarding my next season, what the outcome was I cant tell you yet though ;-) Start of the week was dedicated to Team Meeting with Audi Driving Experience. Always good fun to see all colleagues at one time, all in all we are over 80 persons at ADE! Unbelievable how big it is, since from the start they were about 4 persons. Now I’m back home, and it’s wonderful to sleep in my own bed. I’ve loved every second these last 2 months, starting with Barcelona, then Monaco, Bali, Abu Dhabi, Italy (Vallelunga), London, NY and last Germany, but home it always home. Talking about Italy, I made a test in the new R8 LMS there together with ADE! All I can say is, WOW! It’s an amazing car, or no, an amazing beast! Really hope I’ll get to drive it soon again. Anyway, now before it’s all Christmas time for everyone I have some racing work to do, and then I’ll also celebrate Christmas :-) All the best, M