KAK, Athlete Gala, Audi, Red Bull, Kitzbühel!
Another week to go, then half of the time with the cast is done! The weeks are really passing by quick :-) Last week I had some meetings in Stockholm, and I'm so thankful to my mum and dad being my private drivers and taking me all over Sweden... (And earlier this week my brother took me over Europe haha!) In Stockholm I first met my racing club, Kungliga Automobil Klubben. (Royal Automobil Club) We´ll be up to some fun things together, stay tuned! Then I also met up with Red Bull Sweden, some planning for Rally Sweden. Same thing there, stay tuned for some cool updates! This week though started with Idrottsgalan, Swedish Athlete Gala. It´s here the biggest achievements gets honored, and it´s truly inspiring to be there. One day, I´ll be standing there. Winning the prize for Best Female Athlete, Best Performance and Jerring Prize. (A prize voted by the Swedish people.) Very happy that Audi Sweden and Motorsport Team Sweden gave me the opportunity to be a part of this Gala. Wasn't easy to find something suitable to the cast and crutches, but I think I handle it quite well ;-) See pics below the text. The day after the corse was set to Austria and Kitzbühel, and without Fredrik I would´t have made it there!! At the transit in Copenhagen we turned a luggage trolley into a wheelchair, and people had to really keep it together to not start laughing at me... Nothing wrong to bring a smile to peoples faces though! After a long day of traveling we made it to Kitzbühel, so yesterday I took a visit to the Audi Driving Experience Center in Kitzbühel. If you´re there, take a visit! Offroad parkour, slalom driving, hot-laps, all in beautiful audis. For the weekend I´m invited by Red Bull to the Hahnenkammrennen, super excited! Already tonight it starts with a dinner with some of the athletes from Red Bull Austria, and then for Saturday it's the big race. Otherwise I´m just continuing training, and work for season 2017. Which is actually what I´ll head to now, the gym! All the best, love M
My latest invention, the Red Bull water bottle backpack!
Keeping it up at KMTI! I´ll be back there in March after work for Audi in Åre during February.
Visit at KAK, and was met by this cover girl ;-)
Some more rehab training at www.idrottsskadecenter.com while being in Stockholm
The Rally Town, Karlstad! Stay tuned for cool news about Rally Sweden, me and Red Bull!
Some prep fix before the Gala.
My date for this Monday´s night, my best friend and cousin Antonia.
At the pre mingle with PR responsible by Audi Sweden, Irene.
Me and my brother :-)
They say the accessories make the look!
Arrived to Austria and Kitzbühel!
Gym time in Austria...
Ended with some relaxing time in the sun!