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Hahnenkammrennen, Audi Awards, Åre and London!

Hahnenkammrennen and Kitzbühel was, EPIC! I truly got taken care of like a princess! Snowmobile, shuttle, got carried around by people when I could´t walk with my crutches etc. Let´s say like this: Red Bull and Audi made the impossible, possible! Really enjoyed the full stay, and can´t wait to go back next year. (With a non broken foot then hehe) After Kitzbühel I went straight to Åre and the Audi Awards, Dealer Conference for all Audi Sweden Dealers. Was lovely to meet them all again, and give them a secret hint about my season... ;-)

The day after I travelled back to Karlstad for 24h to take my cast off, and put the new one on. As of today, I only have 10 days left with this cast, and then it goes off!!! Funny how quick time passes by when you´re busy. I´m very grateful though, even if I have a broken foot, I can at least be present at the Audi Events in Åre. Working as an instructor and driving is of course out of the schedule, but to be at least there makes the days pass by quicker.

I also took a short visit to London with my cousin Antonia, with the main thing to be a part of the Zoom F1 Auction. Great auction of Formula 1 drivers/representatives pictures, personally signed, where the money goes directly to Starlight Foundation, a foundation that makes sick kids dreams come true.

Truly inspiring to see the happiness these kids get when their dream comes true, and their fighting spirit against their sickness. We also attended to the 50th anniversary for Rallycross in the UK together with the O´Donovan family. Was lovely to see them again and spend an evening with them! Hoping to see them soon again, and who knows, maybe attend to another RX Buggy race this year. We´ll see! Need to visit London again when I have two working legs, really loved the city! Otherwise along this trip to London/England, attending to Audi Driving Experience in Åre, and focusing on recovering my foot, I´ve been working hard to also finalize this season. As every winter it´s a tough job, but I´m doing my best to get a good program for this year. This Thursday I got some good news, which made me start the weekend with a great smile on my face. Hoping to be able to present it to you all shortly :-) It´s a shame I couldn´t attend to Rally Sweden this weekend, but I´m lucky! I (and of course also YOU) can follow it all on, both live and recaps of the days. I´ll tune in, that´s for sure! This Friday I celebrated one of my best friends birthday, 25 here we go! (Halfway to 50…) Was an amazing evening, and I was so happy to meet all of my friends again! If everything goes as I hope, I´ll have a quite busy year, so I´ll really need to take care of my friends and grab every chance I get to see them. Without them I wouldn´t be half as happy as I am! Talking about happy, I posted a pic earlier this week, about happiness. I am mostly a very positive person, trying to see everything from the bright side. This is however not always the case. I do believe it´s hard to ALWAYS be happy, we all have our ups and downs. So do I! But, the things that makes me happy motivates me to get back up, and keep on fighting. Racing, friends and family. So to you reading this, it´s fine to have bad days. It´s fine to be sad sometimes. But I promise you, it will get better. And, you have the power from within to raise from whatever is seeking you down. Now I need to close my computer and board the plane to Åre - Audi mode again! Starting up the Audi Test Drive, where you for 100 SEK (which goes directly to charity, Thomas Fogdö Foundation) can test the new A5 or TTRS on the ice in Åre, or new Q2, Q5 or Q7 on our offroad track. So, if you´re there from week 7-10, stop by and try one of these lovely cars! Love and have a nice Sunday, M

Hands up in the air for this event! (Crutches hehe...)

Watching the slalom with Audi Sweden colleagues, and former skier Hans Olsson

At the Audi Awards

Ladies Only at Audi Driving Experience, lot´s of fun!

Managed to take a coffee with these 2 lovely persons, Maria and Hans :-)

Smiling at the Zoom F1 Auction. I promise you, this photo is not staged!!

Thanks a lot Chris for the invitation, was a lovely evening

Nope, not buying that one... Sorry Lewis but I prefer Red Bull and Audi ;-)

Brunch in London

She makes me happy!

With the O´Donovans at the RX Gala

From this Friday´s celebrations!

Cozy breakfasts with friends; That I love!

Following Rally Sweden live on Red Bull TV

Audi Driving Experience

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